Stage 2 – Define

After researching state websites (reliable sources), consulting social media content and conducting interviews with family and friends about monkeypox, we have found that people do not know enough about it.

People say:

"it is a virus that comes from China, it is spread by monkeys, it is prevented by using masks and washing hands, it is spread by fluids and saliva" - Viviana

"It is like measles, it causes an outbreak, there are people who have died but in Colombia it is controlled, it is prevented by avoiding physical contact with people, we must reduce the number of sexual partners"- Sara

"it is a virus that is transmitted through the respiratory tract and close contact, part of its alteration is an outbreak, headache, the treatment is very similar to smallpox before, it is transmitted through sexual intercourse"- Brayan

"I don't really know how it is transmitted, I have seen a lot of news, it is in the boom and trend" - Andrea

In the videothere isevidenceofan interview whith 17 people where misinformation is seen in the population of cali:



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Stage 1 – Empathize

Stage 3 – Ideate